Hibernate update request issue

For this update request

update TestDB.dbo.MyEmp set empname=? where empid=?


I wrote in my DAO class

MyEmployee myEmployee = new MyEmployee();

MyEmployee myEmployee =(MyEmployee )session.load(MyEmployee.class, 
  new Integer(1700));
session.update(myEmployee );


Works great, but I need to know this update request mentioned below

update TestDB.dbo.MyEmp set empsalary=? where empid=? && empname = ?


(i.e. I need to update the table using two conditions in the where clause, this can be done using HQL, but I want to know how we can implement this using the saveOrUpdate method ..)

How can I perform an update using the update or saveOrUpdate () method? Is it possible to do this while sleeping?


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2 answers

You must first get your object in two ways:

1- HQL

Query query = session.createQuery("from MyEmployee e where e.id = ? and e.name = ?");
query.setParameter(0, 1);
query.setParameter(1, "myName");
MyEmployee e = (MyEmployee) query.uniqueResult();


2- Criteria

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(MyEmployee.class);
criteria.add(Restrictionss.eq("id", 1)).add(Restrictions.eq("name", "myName");
MyEmployee e = (MyEmployee) criteria.uniqueResult();


By the way, in default flash mode, when you fetch an object and update it, it will persist at the end of the session automatically (unless you are using StatelessSession).



Hibernate saveorupdate

will accept a table object, I mean the Pojo class as a parameter. Hibernate recognizes this object in the table by its primary key ie id.

This way, you don't need to add any other sentences containing the remaining parameters. Because you've already decided to keep the object independent of the data inside it.

If you really want to check for another parameter, you need to check it in java before saveorupdate


If you decide to keep all the object data, then only use saveorupdate

another wise option for HQL

or Criterias

for moreRestrictions



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