How to get Vim plugin Ctrl-P to index files inside git submodule

If I run Ctrl-P initially, it works 100% as I wish, except with the size of the codebase I'm working with it takes a very long time to index directories.

To get Ctrl-P to cope with the project sizes I'm running into, I use the following (rather popular) user_command parameter in my .vimrc file to provide built-in helper utilities to provide Ctrl-P with a list of available files more quickly:

if has("unix")
    let g:ctrlp_user_command = {
    \ 'types': {
        \ 1: ['.git/', 'cd %s && git ls-files']
    \ },
    \ 'fallback': 'find %s -type f | head -' . g:ctrlp_max_files
    \ }


This approach makes indexing incredibly fast, but when configured this way, Ctrl-P will not know about the contents of git submodules as it did when run without helper programs (since "git ls-files" does not recurse into submodules, and Ctrl-P is a naive way to the catalog).

I tried using 'find' to index git repos, but when I do, I end up indexing .git directories, object files and all other things that Ctrl-P usually knows to ignore automatically; it looks like providing a user_command completely replaces the built-in logic about which files to ignore. Perhaps I could hack a reverse grep to remove some elements, but it seemed like someone must have figured out a more elegant solution to this.

Is there another, possibly smarter way to get Ctrl-P to index all files in the git repository, including files in all of its submodules, other than using slow inline search?


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3 answers

You can use find with options to filter files you don't need:

find . -type f \( -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h" \)


or deleting .git directories:

find . -path '.git' -prune -o -print


but this is not a smart decision.



You can use ack which skips VCS drives like .git, .svn, .hg, etc.

I use ack a lot at work, it's great for global find and replace. I've used it once, pumping this into xargs with a perl one liner regex. Unfortunately, this completely broken code is in my .git directory. I was unable to commit my changes and was unable to check, reset, or revert to this point. After that I had to check the codebase again! Ack is considerably easier to use than finding when trying to exclude directories, just use the --ignore-dir flag (or --noignore-dir to search in non-standard ones).



I use git-submodule-foreach to go down in the submodules and run ls-files

there (adding the submodule path to these filenames):

let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files -co --exclude-standard && git submodule foreach "git ls-files -co --exclude-standard | while read i; do echo \"\$path/\$i\"; done"']




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