NodeJS Mongoose - Cannot call method 'toString' of undefined

I am trying to print to console the name of a group in my database, here is the code:

var Team = require('../schemas/Team').Model;
app.get('/match', function(req, res) {
    var key = 1359407087999; // Team Key
    Team.findByKey(key, function(err, team) {
        if (err) {
            util.log("Error occured");
        if (!team) { 
            util.log("The team does not exist");
        } else {
            res.send("Found team: " +;


The code receives the command successfully, where util.log(team)

. It prints this to the console:

    __v: 0,
    _id: 5106e7ef9afe3a430e000007,
    name: 'Team Name',
    key: 1359407087999 


This also works when submitting it to a webpage.

But when I try to send the Team name to the webpage, I get the following output using the res.send

=> Found team: undefined

... method And when I try to output

instead team

to the console, I get the errorCannot call method 'toString' of undefined

Here is my Mongoose schema of my command:

var Team = new Schema({
    'key' : {
        unique : true,
        type : Number,
        default: getId
    'name' : { type : String,
        validate : [validatePresenceOf, 'Team name is required'],
        index : { unique : true }

Team.statics.findByKey = function(key, cb){
    return this.find({'key' : key}, cb);

module.exports.Schema = Team;
module.exports.Model = mongoose.model('Team', Team);


show command

app.get('/show/team/:key', function(req, res){
    util.log('Serving request for url[GET] ' + req.route.path);
    Team.findByKey(req.params.key, function(err, teamData){
        if (!err && teamData) {
            teamData = teamData[0];
                'retStatus' : 'success',
                'teamData' : teamData
        } else {
            util.log('Error in fetching Team by key : ' + req.params.key);
                'retStatus' : 'failure',
                'msg' : 'Error in fetching Team by key ' + req.params.key



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1 answer

The name is unique, so you must use findOne

instead find


Team.statics.findByKey = function(key, cb){
  return this.findOne({'key' : key}, cb);




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