Image selection box instead of text selection?

Creating a theme for wordpress and I need to have a selectbox where I can click and display images to select.

I currently have a dropdown with text for this function.

<select id='selectbox'>
    <option >Airplane</option>
    <option >Bowling</option>
    <option >Alarm</option>


But I need to have some sort of select list with images and no text. Can you do something like this? I assume it will put jquery to work. But they could not find the answers on the net.

Ok, I spent all day to get it working, but I think this is too silly. For every possible example and solution, I have some problems with it working.

Here is the complete metabox code, I am using for my wordpress theme and everything else works as I needed, just what I can If I could replace the select box with some kind of list of images to select the correct image for the field.


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7 replies

Try the following:


    var selectedIndex = $("#selectbox")[0].selectedIndex;

    $('ul#images li').each(function(index) {
        if ( index === selectedIndex ) { $(this).show(); }
        else { $(this).hide(); }



<select id="selectbox">
    <option >Airplane</option>
    <option >Bowling</option>
    <option >Alarm</option>

<ul id="images">
    <li><img src="sample1.jpg" /></li>
    <li><img src="sample2.jpg" /></li>
    <li><img src="sample3.jpg" /></li>




To do this, you need your respective images to be in their own separate divs, where each div is set to display: none.


 <div id="0" style="display:block"><img src="your Airplane image path" /></div>
 <div id="1" style="display:none"><img src="your Bowling image path" /></div>
 <div id="2" style="display:none"><img src="your Alarm image path" /></div>


Then you need to add an onchange event handler to your choice so that the images are displayed as a block. For example.

  function changeSelectBox() {

      $('#' + document.getElementById('selectbox').selectedIndex).show();

 <select id='selectbox' onchange="return changeSelectBox();">
     <option selected>Airplane</option>
     <option >Bowling</option>
     <option >Alarm</option>


Then add jquery to yours and you're done. Now you can change the dropdown selection and the displayed image will change as well.

NOTE: written this without him trying, there might be a semicolon error somewhere, who knows.



I would probably use a RADIO button list and have images inside LABEL tags attached to each RADIO INPUT.

Here's a simple example to demonstrate.

function createImageSelectList(id, name, arrOptions) {
    var $elm = $("#" + id);
    for(var x = 0; x<arrOptions.length; x++) {
        var opt = arrOptions[x];
        var subId = name + "_" + opt.value;
        var $rad = $("<input />");
        $rad.attr("type", "radio");
        $rad.attr("value", opt.value);
        $rad.attr("name", name);
        $rad.attr("id", subId);
        var $lbl = $("<label />");
        $lbl.attr("for", subId);
        $lbl.append($("<img />")
            .attr("src", $("#" + opt.image).attr("src")));




Here's an example with almost pure CSS.

It uses radio receivers to store the selected value ( $_POST['thing']

), which are enclosed in associated labels. However, controlling the visibility of images on clicks is a bit tricky. Using the and links :target

, you can make all images appear when "select" is clicked, but you still need a way to hide other images when selected. So I had to add an attribute onclick

to the labels to remove the hash #select

. If anyone knows a way to hide it using CSS, I'd love to hear it :)

Using jQuery is pretty easy to implement. Assuming you have a DIV with images inside and a hidden input field:

  var input = $('input', this),
      images = $('img', this),
      selecting = false;


    // if the select box is open and a image was cliked
      input.val($(this).index() + 1);

    // if select box is closed and the active image was clicked
    }else{  ;             

    selecting = !selecting;

  }).eq(input.val() - 1).show();    



The input field ( thing

) will store the index of the image ...

( fiddle )



I assume you are looking for something like this: Javascript image dropdown 2.0



This example uses PHP and from the database it fetches a value between 0 and 3 and sets the opacity of the image and fetches the field value like this:


<script type="text/javascript">
function ChangeLights(selector){
        if (selector == 0){
            document.getElementById("Light0").style.opacity = "1";
            document.getElementById("Light1").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light2").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light3").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById(\'Run_Status\').selectedIndex = 0;
        if (selector == 1){
            document.getElementById("Light0").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light1").style.opacity = "1";
            document.getElementById("Light2").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light3").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById(\'Run_Status\').selectedIndex = 1;
        if (selector == 2){
            document.getElementById("Light0").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light1").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light2").style.opacity = "1";
            document.getElementById("Light3").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById(\'Run_Status\').selectedIndex = 2;
        if (selector == 3){
            document.getElementById("Light0").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light1").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light2").style.opacity = "0.2";
            document.getElementById("Light3").style.opacity = "1";
            document.getElementById(\'Run_Status\').selectedIndex = 3;



$Run_Number['Run_Status'] = 0;//test value
echo '    
<select name="Run_Status" id="Run_Status">
    <option value="0" '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == "0" ? "selected":"").'>Not Ready</option>
    <option value="1" '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == "1" ? "selected":"").'>Ready</option>
    <option value="2" '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == "2" ? "selected":"").'>In Transit</option>
    <option value="3" '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == "3" ? "selected":"").'>Delivered</option>

    <img id="Light0" class="light" src="images/light-red.jpg" height="40" style="image-orientation: 90deg; opacity: '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == 0 ? '1':'.2').';" title="Not Ready" onclick="ChangeLights(\'0\')">
    <img id="Light1" class="light" src="images/light-rey.jpg" height="40" style="image-orientation: 90deg; opacity: '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == 1 ? '1':'.2').';" title="Ready" onclick="ChangeLights(\'1\')">
    <img id="Light2" class="light" src="images/light-yel.jpg" height="40" style="image-orientation: 90deg; opacity: '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == 2 ? '1':'.2').';" title="In Transit" onclick="ChangeLights(\'2\')">
    <img id="Light3" class="light" src="images/light-gre.jpg" height="40" style="image-orientation: 90deg; opacity: '.($Run_Number['Run_Status'] == 3 ? '1':'.2').';" title="Delivered" onclick="ChangeLights(\'3\')">


there will be better ways to do it, but it works



<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
body { margin:2em; }
pre { margin:1em 0; }
select.selectpicker { display:none; /* Prevent FOUC */}

<h2>Select with Thumbnails</h2>
  <select title="Select your surfboard" class="selectpicker">
  <option data-thumbnail="">Chrome</option>
  <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-firefox.png">Firefox</option>
  <option data-thumbnail="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/favicon.ico">IE</option>
  <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-opera.png">Opera</option>
  <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-safari.png">Safari</option>
  <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-chrome.png">Chrome</option>
    <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-firefox.png">Firefox</option>
    <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-ie.png">IE</option>
    <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-opera.png">Opera</option>
    <option data-thumbnail="images/icon-safari.png">Safari</option>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>




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