C # accessing class members after casting

I've been working with C # and XAML and was wondering if there is a better way to access class members after casting them. This is an example of what I would normally do:

private void MyButton_Clicked(object sender,  RoutedEventtArgs e)
    ((PlaneProjection)((Button)sender).Projection).RotationX = 20;


Which rotated the button every time you pressed it, but with more complicated actions, I would need more and more parentheses. I know I can use something that made it a little easier to read, but this would still do it:

((sender as Button).Projection as PlaneProjection).RotationX = 20;


There are more parentheses than we would like.

Am I doing this a long way or am I missing something? Or is it the way it is and I have to deal with the possibility of harder reading code like this?


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4 answers

(A) Strictly speaking, no, there is no way. Once you've done the cast , you're left with a different type of temporary meaning - and almost no syntax branches are left after the cast, whether it's a regular cast or an AS statement. You must either enclose it in brackets, use it right away, or store it in a variable.

(B) Speaking loosely, there is a way: just don't throw at all. But keep in mind that this will be:

  • a new .NET platform is required.
  • be less secure (compile-time name checking is disabled)
  • be even less secure (TYPE checks at runtime are disabled, if a property name is found then it is used regardless of what type of obejct you had in the variable)
  • has slightly worse performance (just dynamic statements are slower than compiled ones)

and as i said dynamic, it uses CLR4.0 dynamic expression:

private void MyButton_Clicked(object sender,  RoutedEventtArgs e)
    dynamic tmp = sender;
    tmp.Projection.RotationX = 20;


But, I really don't suggest doing it just to skip some parentheses. This expression contains a type check ZERO. It is 100% duck. This is fine for a button, as the button API is unlikely to change. But for your own code, which mutates frequently, be careful - or include correct unit tests for the property to exist.



var button = sender as Button;

if (button == null)

var projection = button.Projection as PlaneProjection;

if (projection == null)

projection.RotationX = 20;


is a much safer way as you make sure your casts don't throw a NullReferenceException.

However, I should mention that it is better to create a ViewModel that contains Double X {get;set;}

and Command

that the button can bind to, and not manipulate the UI elements in code.



If you don't like the parenthesis, you can create variables.

var button = (Button)sender; // or 'sender as Button'
var planeProjection = (PlaneProjection)button.Projection; // or 'button.Projection as PlaneProjection'




I don't see any way to get information from parentheses and castings.

You can't just split it

var planeProjection = (PlaneProjection)((Button)sender).Projection;


and then

planeProjection.RotationX = 20;
planeProjection.RotationY = 20;
planeProjection.RotationZ = 20;




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