Sencha touch 2 html link for event

I have some html in my panel:

styleHtmlContent: true,
scrollable: true,

items: {
    docked: 'top',
    xtype: 'titlebar',
    title: 'List'
    html: [
        "<div style='border-radius: 4px;' class='abutton' id='abuttonbyid'>",


And in my controller

config: {
    refs: {
        abutton: '.abutton',

    control: {
        abutton: {
            tap: 'onButtonTap'
        abuttonbyid : {
            tap: 'onButtonTap'

onButtonTap: function() {


I want this to be when the div button is clicked I get Tapped

in my js console / web inspector. I did with both the class and the element with id because I would like to attach an event listener to multiple buttons div, not one. Many div buttons, one event.

I need to use html buttons instead of Sencha buttons.


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1 answer

Why not just add a button to your header?

items: {
  docked: 'top',
  xtype: 'titlebar',
  title: 'List',
  items: [
      xtype: 'button',
      text: 'Tap Me',
      handler: function() { console.log("button tap"); }


EDIT: Since you say you need to use html (which is not preferred), you can add a custom listener delegated to your DOM node:

items: {
  docked: 'top',
  xtype: 'titlebar',
  title: 'List',
  html: [
    "<div style='border-radius: 4px;' class='abutton' id='abuttonbyid'>",

  // The new "listeners" code...
  listeners: {
    tap: {
      fn: function(event, el){ console.log("tapped!"); },
      element: 'element',
      delegate: '#abuttonbyid'


For reference, I would look at this documentation on event delegation .



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