Default value for char / varchar in SQL column: space (1) or empty string?

I can usually find answers to my questions in SO, but I cannot find information on this topic (I may be asking the wrong question).

Background: Six years ago, a developer upgraded the Visual FoxPro database to SQL Server 2005 (table structure and data). This process introduced various bugs that I am trying to fix to improve the data structure and performance (changing TEXT to VARCHAR (MAX), some floats to DECIMAL, deleting unused columns ...)

My previous task was as follows: find all default values ​​for all columns in all tables for which the corresponding default object did not exist in sys.default_constraints

, and fix them by assigning an empty string char

/ varchar

, 0

before Decimal

, etc. (over 30% of the columns where they are broken ... yes I know -_- wtf !. My script ran smoothly, so well.

Just for fun, I performed SP_HELP

in one of these tables to check for fixed columns, but noticed that the columns char

I hadn't changed had a default value (space((1)))

and not the empty blank row ''

I was using.

My question . Should I leave these columns intact with the default (space((1)))

? or should I change it to ''

(changing the script to do this would be very simple)?

My bet is that I have to change it (a function call on every insert cannot be free), but wanted to ask first.

PD: I'm not a DBA but a developer who needs to use the DBA hat now and then.


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2 answers

Often, discussion about null vs default empty string ( debate here ). In this case, I believe the main problem is that any part of the application (s) is executing logic based on a single space in a column . Storage and speed issues will be minimal by comparison, perhaps even minor in anything but the largest tables and the largest TPS cases. I also assume that it would be difficult to reliably detect any significant performance difference between insert ' '

, insert ''

and insert space(1)

although, as you said, it may not be free.


I just noticed that you only mentioned columns char

as having this default. In this case, I don't think it really matters that you insert a blank line or one space, as they will be stored as spaces up to the length of the column:

create table #CharTest ( Chars char(2) )
insert into #CharTest select ''
insert into #CharTest select ' '
insert into #CharTest select '  '
select distinct Chars from #CharTest
-- returns 1 row!


At this point, I would like to say that you can get rid of the space and just have an empty string by default. One possible obstacle is having a null char column and ANSI_PADDING disabled when it was created. However, when testing various combos of ansi-nulls, char, varchar and nullibility, I can't think of a situation where it '' = ' '

is false (in SQL Server 2008 R2, anyway). Hmm ... I need to read a little.



If your application is agnostic about this, then it might be worth considering that a zero-length column varchar

will take up slightly less space than a single whitespace column.

You are storing 1 byte per row for the column value, and possibly two more in the column offset array if not followed by odd variable length columns.

I would probably use NULL

rather than any of them.



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