Hour and minutes in one column in R

I have a simple frame. From which I want to add another column that records the time (hours and minutes, in a 24 hour clock). Then I'm going to display this column against a variable. Since the dates are still the same, I'm only interested in the time. This is what I have tried so far.

a <- c(1:6)
b <- c("05/12/2012 05:00","05/12/2012 06:55","05/12/2012 07:10",
       "05/12/2012 10:23", "05/12/2012 11:43","05/12/2012 13:04")
c <-c("0","0","0","1","1","1")
df1 <- data.frame(a,b,c,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

a <- df1$a
b <- strptime(df1$b, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
c <- as.numeric(df1$c)
hour <- as.numeric(format(b, "%H"))
min <- as.numeric(format(b, "%M"))
date <- format(b, "%x")
time <- hour + min

df2 <- data.frame(a, b, c, hour, min, date, time)


I was advised here to convert minutes and hours manually by splitting the numbers separately, converting them to similar units, and then adding. However I am scared as 5 AM is just imported as 5.

If anyone could advise me on how I could do this properly, I would really appreciate it.


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1 answer

There are many conversion tools for dates and times, and a whole bunch of packages to use. I like working with POSIXlt

in this case, as you can extract all the information you need by simply pulling them out of the list.


a <- c(1:6)
b <- c("05/12/2012 05:00","05/12/2012 06:55","05/12/2012 07:10",
       "05/12/2012 10:23", "05/12/2012 11:43","05/12/2012 13:04")
c <-c("0","0","0","1","1","1")
df1 <- data.frame(a,b,c,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df2 <- within(df1,{
  posb <- as.POSIXlt(b,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
  hours <- posb$hour
  mins <- posb$min
  dates <- format(posb, "%x")
  time <- format(posb, "%H:%M")
  posb <- NULL  # cleanup


What gives:

> df2
  a                b c  time     dates mins hours
1 1 05/12/2012 05:00 0 05:00 12/5/2012    0     5
2 2 05/12/2012 06:55 0 06:55 12/5/2012   55     6
3 3 05/12/2012 07:10 0 07:10 12/5/2012   10     7
4 4 05/12/2012 10:23 1 10:23 12/5/2012   23    10
5 5 05/12/2012 11:43 1 11:43 12/5/2012   43    11
6 6 05/12/2012 13:04 1 13:04 12/5/2012    4    13


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