Script at the bottom?

I am including my view model script at the bottom of the page and have a problem. Until it is called applyBindings

(which is also at the bottom), the user can see a page not tied for a second, where the nude template is displayed. One solution is to place scripts at the top and finalize applyBindings

in, $()

or "finished document". But I really refuse to admit that there is no way to fix the problem and keep the scripts at the bottom.


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3 answers

I always use something like this:

<div data-bind="visible:true" style="display:none">




You can hide the elements in question with CSS and display them after applyBindings


.hide-while-loading { display: none }



var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('hide-while-loading ');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
    // remove class:
    elements[i].className = elements[i].className.replace('/\bhide-while-loading\b/','');


In fact, the code is removing the class hide-while-loading

, not just making the elements visible, so the elements that should be hidden remain hidden.



You can use css binding to toggle the visibility of unbound elements.

Probably on the containing element, do something like this:

<div data-binding="css: { notready: !isReady()}" class="notready">
  Other children with bindings


Add CSS class:

.notready { display : none; }


Then add a new observable model of your view:

isReady : ko.observable(true)


The code toggles / removes the notready

CSS class when isReady

evaluating as true




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