Reduce initial connection and TTFB time

Similar question: Here

Website: PPF Cleanfiles Network

Raw Server Link (Skip DNS):


Waterfall view (webpage test): Waterfall

I recently switched to a new server. All PHP scripts and resources are the same . The new server is the Inmotion Elite Dedicated Server .

Server load average:

Server load 1.25 (8 CPUs)   
Memory Used 14.14% (1,137,916 of 8,048,804) 
Swap Used   0% (0 of 4,095,992)


As a web owner, a fast and great website is a top priority. I cannot afford to have 2-4 seconds of random waiting time for my members when navigating through the pages. The old server never did, it boots fine.

Since the server load looks fine and the PHP scripts are the same, I want to assume it is something with some Apache tweaks or something. I really can't tell. I tried running the two scripts listed in the top answer to the question posted above, but both had a lot of timeout ...

I spoke to the hosting company but they didn't know what was going on. Any help on this issue or tests I can do would be greatly appreciated :)


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1 answer

Probably the most efficient solution is to use a CDN with native HTML caching capabilities (static and dynamic). TTFB relies on your ability to process HTML quickly on the origin server, you can skip the processing time of everything by serving a fresh cached copy from the CDN.

I recently wrote a post about this that looks at TTFB latency factors and average load times of various resources (based on data collected in 1B sessions). You may find this helpful:



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