Store C # object in SQL Server column
I have a class in C # that is used to store data (like a struct). It has subclasses as members, which have other subclasses, etc. Each of them contains data (various strings, ints, float, etc.)
Is there a way to store one such C # object in a database in a single column? What type of column would it be and how can I use it?
The only thing I can think of is to convert my structure to a sequence of bytes using an algorithm and store it in a binary type field.
I would use a decoding algorithm to put it back and make it an object again.
However, is there such an algorithm in C # that can be used?
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see this quetion If you like, you can use the VARBINARY (MAX) field type in SQL Server. You can store any type of object up to 2 GB in size there.
To access it, you can use ADO.NET - something like this:
object yourMysteryObject = (whatever you like it to be);
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(memStm);
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TableName(VarBinaryColumn) VALUES (@VarBinary)", sqlConnection);
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@VarBinary", SqlDbType.VarBinary, Int32.MaxValue);
sqlCmd.Parameters["@VarBinary"].Value = memStream.GetBuffer();
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You can serialize an object to JSON using JSON.NET ( ) and store the JSON data in a database. When you need to re-moisten an object with data, it can be done with JSON.NET again ...
The documentation is here and it's easy to use and very fast:
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