Angular $ http request inside directive

I am trying to use a directive in Angularjs to check if the user is himself in order to change the template accordingly.

for example

    <li is-self >
        <a  ng-show="logged_in" ng-href="/users/{{user.public_id}}"> Settings </a>


Admittedly, this is not the best approach to this problem, however I cannot think of a better way to do this at the moment.

However, the problem is that I cannot make the HTTP request in the directive, so I had to put it in a controller and refer to it as a scope function, i.e.


    $scope.isSelf = ->
        $http({method: 'GET', url: '/is_self/' + $}).
        success((data, status, headers, config) ->
            if data
                $scope.logged_in = true
        error((data, status, headers, config) ->



    userModule.directive('isSelf', () ->
      link: ($scope) ->


This method poses a problem because the directive is used for multiple files and multiple controllers. I think the solution that would be most appropriate would be to simply execute the request in the directive, but that doesn't work because you can't pass $ http to it.

My ideal solution would be a combination of what I liked

userModule.directive('isSelf', () ->
   link: ($scope, $http) ->
      $http({method: 'GET', url: '/is_self/' + "3f8686589ad"}).
          success((data, status, headers, config) ->
              if data
                  $scope.logged_in = true
          error((data, status, headers, config) ->


I'm obviously completely new to structure, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

Ok guys I found a solution. Here it is for those who have the same problem.

Okay, after doing a little bit of work, I realized that I think I did the wrong thing. I used the service suggested below instead, here is the final code in case anyone has the same problem and was wondering.


userModule = angular.module('users', ["ngResource"])

userModule.factory('User', ['$resource', '$http', ($resource, $http) ->
    User = $resource "/users/:id", id: "@id",
        update: method: "PUT"
        destroy: method: "DELETE"

    User::isSelf = (id, cb) ->
        $http.get('/is_self/' + id).success (data) ->
            if data
                cb true




StatsShowCtrl = ($scope, $location, $routeParams, User) ->
    User.get id: $, (user) ->
        self.original = user
        $scope.user = new User(self.original)

        $scope.user.isSelf $, (self) ->
            if self
                $scope.logged_in = true



<li ng-show="logged_in"> <a ng-href="/users/{{user.public_id}}"> Settings </a></li>




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