Overloading the index operator for non-array elements

I wrote a template class to store multiple bools in integers. Right now setting and getting each bool is done with explicit functions

    bool isBitSet(int index)
        return static_cast<bool>((block_ >> index) % 2)

    void setBitOn(int index)
        block_ |= 1 << index;


I believe the following will work for getting the value, but how do I set it up to work since we can't directly return a link for a bit?

    const bool operator [] (int index) const 
        return static_cast<bool>((block_ >> index) % 2);



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1 answer

The same is done in std::vector<bool>

and std::bitset

in the standard library. As referenced , std::vector<bool>

it returns a proxy class that has its operators overloaded to act as a vector element.

You could do that too.

For a handy example, look again at the reference for the public interface, it goes something like this:

template <class Allocator>
class vector<bool, Allocator> {
  // ...
    class reference {
        friend class vector;
        operator bool() const;
        reference& operator=(bool x);
        reference& operator=(const reference&);
        void flip();
  // ...


To implement this class, you must store a pointer to your actual data block and mask to work with.

For a real-world example, in the g ++ headers, find the member class std::vector<bool>

named std::vector<bool>::_Bit_reference

in the file bits/stl_bvector.h


To clarify the OP with an example:

Let's say you have a class containing 320 points. You could write it like:

class boolcontainer {
  uint32_t data[10];
  //default ctor. to initialize the elements with zeros
  boolcontainer() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { data[i] = 0; } }


You want to add the [] operator. To add a constant, simply:

class boolcontainer {
  uint32_t data[10];
  bool operator[](int i) const { return data[i/32] & (1 << (i%32)); }


have a non-const one that you need a lot more. First, you need to create a class that represents a reference to your value. You must have some sort of pointer to where the value is stored and (in this case) you need a bitmask to indicate one particular bit. To be able to handle this as a bool & you need to add some operators, namely the conversion to bool and operator =:

class reference {
  uint32_t *dataptr;
  uint32_t mask;
  //constructor just initializing members
  reference(uint32_t *dataptr_, uint32_t mask_) : dataptr(dataptr_), mask(mask_) {}

  //conversion to bool
  operator bool() const {
    //just like in the getter, but the bitmask is stored now locally
    return *dataptr & mask;

  //sets one single bit represented by mask to b
  reference& operator=(bool b) {
    if (b) {
      *dataptr |= mask;
    } else {
      *dataptr &= ~mask;
    return *this;

  //TODO copy ctor., operator==, operator<


Note that the above structure will behave like a bool & - reading from it reads the value from the data point represented by the pointer and mask, and likewise, writing to it overwrites the bit at the presented location. I also wrote a constructor that initializes the members.

Now all you need is that your boolcontainer [] statement should return an object of the class above:

class boolcontainer {
  uint32_t data[10];

  boolcontainer() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { data[i] = 0; } }

  class reference {
     ... //see above

  //keep the const version for efficiency
  bool operator[](int i) const { return data[i/32] & (1 << (i%32)); }

  //non-const version returns our reference object.
  reference operator[](int i) { return reference(&data[i/32], 1 << (i%32)); }


And now some code to test it (only prints the first 40 values):

#include <iostream>
#include "boolcontainer.h"

void printboolcontainer(const boolcontainer &bc)
    //note that this is the constant version
    for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i) {
        std::cout << bc[i];
    std::cout << std::endl;

int main()
    boolcontainer bc;
    bc[0] = true;
    bc[3] = true;
    bc[39] = true;




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