What can you do to prevent checkboxes from showing on the page?
I am using Twitter Bootstrap for Rails in a 3.2 app and I cannot see these checkboxes.
If I look at the same page in straight HTML only (with checkboxes hardcoded and using regular Bootstrap resources) it works great.
The HTML code is generated correctly, I believe ... for example:
<div class="field">
<div class="control-group check_boxes optional"><label class="check_boxes optional control-label">Listing Type</label><div class="controls"><label class="checkbox"><input class="check_boxes optional" id="search_listing_type_id_1" name="search[listing_type_id][]" type="checkbox" value="1" />For Sale</label><input name="search[listing_type_id][]" type="hidden" value="" /></div></div>
Here's the Rails code:
<%= f.input :listing_type_id, collection: ListingType.order(:name), as: :check_boxes, label: "Listing Type" %>
Here's a live example . There should be a check mark next to the text "List of square meters". Scroll down to convenience and there you will see a list that obviously should have checkboxes.
This also doesn't work in development.
Not really sure why he doesn't show up.
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It looks like uniform.js is setting the opacity of the checkbox to 0.
Try disabling uniform.js if you are not using it.
Update: Also looks like you are getting 404 in the sprite image? Probably a figurative image of the same theme?
GET http://realty-cloud.herokuapp.com/img/sprite.png 404 (Not Found)
Another update: This is definitely a problem. Uniform works by making the input opacity 0 so it's invisible but still clickable and changes the markup a bit so it looks like this.
<div class="checker" id="uniform-listing_amenity_ids_4">
<input class="check_boxes optional" id="listing_amenity_ids_4" name="listing[amenity_ids][]" type="checkbox" value="4" style="opacity: 0;">
And it sets the css rule to div.checker span
div.checker span {
background-image: url(../img/sprite.png);
This image is missing, so the entrance appears to be invisible.
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