How to change width and height of bitmap in easeljs?
I am using easeljs to create an HTML5 page. I need to load images to canvas. How do I change the width and height of the bitmap I am loading.
var img = new Image();
img.src = image_path+images; // image from folder
var loading_img = new createjs.Bitmap(img);
It just displays the image in the canvas, I am trying to use
loading_img.sourceRect = { x:img.width/2, y:img.height/2, width:280, height:150 };
but crops the image (280 * 150).
Thanks, Sathya
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5 answers
You must first load the image (so you know its height and width) and then create a bitmap and set the scale.
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function(){
var bitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(image);
bitmap.scaleX = YOUR_WIDTH/image.width;
bitmap.scaleY = YOUR_HEIGHT/image.height;
image.src = 'thePathToYourImage.png';
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It's good for me.
img[h] = new Image();
img[h].src = //image path
r_mc[h] = new createjs.Bitmap(img[h]);
r_mc[h].y = 15;
r_mc[h].x = 10
r_mc[h].scaleX=280/r_mc[h].image.width; //200
r_mc[h].scaleY=140/r_mc[h].image.height; //100
if r_mc [h] .image.width and r_mc [h] .image.height didn't affect your image size, try to get the image dimensions before and set this way
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