JQuery media queries: conditional function on specific device width (works with resizing too)

I have a grid layout. I need some columns (less necessary - like Twitter updates) to be "HIDDEN" at lower resolutions and "SHOWN" when clicking on its title.

Here's what I have so far:


<div id="wrapper">

    <div class="toggle">
         This content is visible always

    <div class="toggle-small">
         <h2 class="toggle-small-heading">Heading</h2>
         <div class="toggle-small-content">
              This content is hidden on max-width 600px. You can reveal it by clicking the heading.

    <div class="toggle-small">
         <h2 class="toggle-small-heading">Heading</h2>
         <div class="toggle-small-content">
              This content is hidden on max-width 600px. You can reveal it by clicking the heading.




// D E F I N E   T H E   F U N C T I O N

function ToggleSmall () {
    // Clickable heading
    var ToggleSmallVar = $('#wrapper').find('.toggle-small-heading');
    // Content to toggle
    var ToggleSmallCol = $('#wrapper').find('.toggle-small-content');
    // Content to toggle - hide it to be shown on click
    // Toggle function
    $(ToggleSmallVar).click(function () {
        // Find col to toggle
        var ToggleSmallColTarget = $(this).closest('.toggle-small-section').find('.toggle-small-col'); 
                    // Toggle the DIV

// C A L L   T H E   F U N C T I O N

$(document).ready(function () {
if ($(window).width() < 681) {


It works running at boot time, but I try to make it "react" to change the window size: follow ToggleSmall () function with a resolution of less than 681 and a stop on the big ones.

I tried to bind the function to a "resize" event (like jQuery as media queries on resize ) but for some reason the "toggle" takes 3-4x times (document is "ready" multiple times?).

I found some other solutions - mostly for defining a variable, but nothing has worked so far. I'm also a jQuery beginner, so maybe I missed something. :) Any ideas?


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2 answers

It has been suggested to use an event-listener "timer" to regulate javascript behavior and handling

COPY-PASTED from Kurt Howard Example :

var delay = (function(){
    var timer = 0;
    return function(callback, ms){
        clearTimeout (timer);
        timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);

$(function() {
    var pause = 100;
    // will only process code within delay(function() { ... }) every 100ms.

    $(window).resize(function() {
        delay(function() {
            var width = $(window).width();
            if( width >= 768 && width <= 959 ) {
                // code for tablet view
            } else if( width >= 480 && width <= 767 ) {
                // code for mobile landscape
            } else if( width <= 479 ) {
                // code for mobile portrait
        }, pause );





If you use this function $(window).resize(function() {});

, you don't need to embed it inside document.ready. I would try to manipulate the CSS instead, because when it shrinks you won't be able to see the animation in the hidden part.

This is js.

$(window).resize(function() {
var pageWidth = $(window).width(); 

    if( $(window).width()< 681){

        //call my function



And then you have a link in <head>

        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" id="styleSmaller"/> 




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