Copy the selected dropdown value from one selection box to another

Simplified, I have a form that generates select boxes based on a mysql query.

$i = 0;
while($res= mysql_fetch_assoc($sql2))
echo "  <div class='span1'>";
echo "      <input name='orderNo[$i]' type='text' id='orderNo[$i]' value='$orderNo' class='input-small' onclick='populateorderNo()' />";
echo "  </div>";

echo "  <div class='span1'>";
echo "      <select name='methodOfPay[$i]' id='methodOfPay[$i]' class='input-small' >";
echo "      <option value=''>&nbsp;</option>";
echo "      <option value='On Bill'>On Bill</option>";
echo "      <option value='Customer C.C'>Customer C.C</option>";
echo "      <option value='Company G.C'>Company G.C</option>";
echo "      </select>";
echo "  </div>";


What I am trying to do is copy the selected parameter to methodOFPay [0] into the next methodOfPay []. I was able to do this using the onclick function for orderNo, but I cannot figure out how to apply the same theory to the select box. Here is my js code for a simple text copy. For now, this will always be the first line, copying subsequent lines.

var orderno = 0;
function populateorderNo(){
var copyorderNo = document.getElementById('orderNo[0]');
document.getElementById('orderNo[' + orderno + ']').value = copyorderNo.value;
orderno += 1;



Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot, as a beginner, I am learning a lot from this site and all the answers I got.


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2 answers

If you are using straight JavaScript you can use onchange

. In jQuery, you can use .change()


Direct JavaScript method


echo "      <select name='methodOfPay[$i]' id='methodOfPay[$i]' class='input-small' onchange='myOnChangeFunction()' >";
echo "      </select>";



function myOnChangeFunction() {
    // Get value and set other selects


JQuery Method ( jsfiddle )


$('select[id^="methodOfPay"]').change(function() {
    var value = $(this).val();




I changed the code a bit for the sake of demonstration, but the theory is still the same.

The main thing to note is the use of count ($ orderNo) in javascript

This will work better with jQuery and regex as shown in Ruben Infante example


for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
    $orderNo[$i] = $i;


        <script type="text/javascript">
            function populateorderNo() {
                var copyorderNo = document.getElementById('orderNo[0]');
                for (var i = 0; i < <?php echo count($orderNo); ?>; i++) {
                    document.getElementById("orderNo["+i+"]").value = copyorderNo.value;

            function changeSelectBox() {
                var selectBox = document.getElementById('methodOfPay[0]');
                for (var i = 0; i < <?php echo count($orderNo); ?>; i++) {
                    document.getElementById('methodOfPay['+i+']').value = selectBox.value;
        <?php foreach ($orderNo as $r): ?>
            <div class='span1'>
            <input name='orderNo[<?php echo $r;?>]' type='text' id='orderNo[<?php echo $r;?>]' value='<?php echo $r;?>' class='input-small' onchange='populateorderNo();' />

            <div class='span1'>
            <select name='methodOfPay[<?php echo $r; ?>]' id='methodOfPay[<?php echo $r;?>]' class='input-small' onchange='changeSelectBox();' >
            <option value=''>&nbsp;</option>
            <option value='On Bill'>On Bill</option>
            <option value='Customer C.C'>Customer C.C</option>
            <option value='Company G.C'>Company G.C</option>
        <?php endforeach; ?>




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