Getting element by jquery attribute

is there a way to get an element on the page by attribute

so let's say I have this HTML

<ul id="tabMenu">
  <li class="active"><a href="#home-loans">Home Loan</a></li>
  <li><a href="#savings">Savings</a></li>
  <li><a href="#car-loan">Car Loan</a></li>
  <li><a href="#credit-card">Credit Card</a></li>

<div data-alias="#credit-card" class="tabContent">Content 1...</div>
<div data-alias="#savings" class="tabContent">Content 2...</div>
<div data-alias="#car-loan" class="tabContent">Content 3...</div>
<div data-alias="#credit-card" class="tabContent">Content 4...</div>


and this jQuery

jQuery("#tabMenu li").each(function() {

tabid = jQuery(this).find("a").attr("href");

    if (jQuery(".tabContent").attr("data-alias") == tabid) {

       $tabHTML = //get div element that is for this tab



as you can see from the comment in the code, I'm not sure how to get the item. so for example for li with href # car-loan get div with data alias # car-loan



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3 answers

Use a regular attribute selector :

$tabHTML = jQuery(".tabContent[data-alias='" + tabid + "']");




you mean:

$tabHTML = $("div[data-alias='"+tabid +"']");




would you like to use

$tabHTML = $( "div[ data-alias='" + tabid + "']" );




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