View Previous Query Log - MySQL

I want to see the mysql queries [history, log] [select, insert, update, ...] [which I ran]!
Can anyone help me with this?

I am using MySQL Version: 5.5.8 [which I got from WAMP]
I tried to change the settings from the console and failed! [change will be lost after reboot]
I asked him earlier but not a working answer!


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2 answers

Change the following parameters in my.ini


long_query_time = 1  
slow_query_log = 1  
slow_query_log_file = "E:/wamp/logs/slowquery.log"  
log = "E:/wamp/logs/genquery.log"




Surav's answer doesn't work anymore. As of July 2013, you need:

general-log-file = "C:\wamp\logs\mysql_general.log"




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