User request via notification - user feedback?

my question is related to android notifications.

In my application, users are prompted several times a day to enter data (which is then passed to the server application) through notifications. So, as soon as the user clicks on the notification, the action starts when the user enters some data. After clicking the report button, the data is loaded (and the notification is cleared). Should I tell the user that their input is archived or loaded or whatever (e.g. via Toast or Dialog)?

Are there any best practices for providing user feedback after responding to an app notification?


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1 answer

If you look at the Android Design Patterns Guide , they have a good flowchart to use if you're not sure if you need to give Feedback. From your description, I would assume he clicks "NO" on the fourth block (maybe the third block if you want the undo option), so you should give some light feedback. Toast or dialogue is great for this, as you'd expect.



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