TypeError: Input expected no more than 1 argument, received 3

I am making a little Python game where the computer guesses the number chosen by the player.

# Computer Guessing Game
# The computer tries to guess your number

print("Think of a number, and I will try to guess it. If my guess is right,")
print("say 'yes'.If my guess is too high, say 'lower'. And if my guess is")
print("too low, say 'higher'.\n")

answer = input("Is it 50? ")
guess = 50

while answer != "yes":
     hilo = input("Is it higher or lower? ")
     if hilo == "lower":
        guess %= 50
        answer = input("Is it", guess, "?")
     if hilo == "higher":
        guess %= 150
        answer = input("Is it", guess, "?")

print("I win!")

input("Press the enter key to exit.")


However, when running it, lines 15 and 18 of the code

answer = input("Is it", guess, "?")


return "TypeError: Input expected no more than 1 argument, received 3" I don't know how to fix this, so any help would be much appreciated.


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1 answer


only takes one argument, you pass it 3. You need to use formatting or string concatenation to make it one argument:

answer = input("Is it {} ?".format(guess))


You confused this with a function print()

that actually takes more than one argument and concatenates the values ​​into one string for you.



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