Target text without tags with Nokogiri

I have a very simple HTML that I'm trying to parse with Nokogiri (in Ruby):

<span>Address</span><br />
123 Main Street<br />
Sometown<br />
<span>Telephone</span><br />
<a href="tel:212-555-555">212-555-555</a><br />

    <span>Hours</span><br />
    M-F: 8:00-21:00<br />
       Sat-Sun: 8:00-21:00<br />
<hr />


The only tag I have is the surrounding one <div>

for the page content. Each of the things I want is preceded by a tag <span>Address</span>

. It can be followed by another one span

or hr

at the end.

I would like to get the address ("123 Main Street \ nSometown"), phone number ("212-555-555") and opening hours as separate fields.

Is there a way to get the information using Nokogiri, or would it be easier to do this with regular expressions?


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2 answers

Using Nokogiri and XPath , you can do something like this:

def extract_span_data(html)
  doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
  doc.xpath("//span").reduce({}) do |memo, span|
    text = ''
    node = span.next_sibling
    while node && ( != 'span')
      text += node.text
      node = node.next_sibling
    memo[span.text] = text.strip

# {
#   "Address"   => "123 Main Street\nSometown",
#   "Telephone" => "212-555-555",
#   "Hours"     => "M-F: 8:00-21:00\n       Sat-Sun: 8:00-21:00"
# }


Using the correct parser is easier and more reliable than using regular expressions (a well-documented TM bad idea .)



I was thinking (rather learning) about xpath:

d.xpath("span[2]/preceding-sibling::text()").each {|i| puts i}
# 123 Main Street
# Sometown

# "212-555-555"

# "M-F: 8:00-21:00       Sat-Sun: 8:00-21:00"


The first one starts at the second interval and selects the text () that comes before.
You can try a different approach here - start at the first range, select text () and end up using a predicate that checks the next range.

d.xpath("span[1]/following::text()[following-sibling::span]").each {|i| puts i}
# 123 Main Street
# Sometown


If the document has more spacing, you can start with the correct ones:

you can replace with span[contains(.,'text-in-span')]



Correct me if something is really wrong.



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