Entity Framework Code - First, MySQL and Unicode support

I am using EF Code-First (EFCF) with MySQL to create my database using Migrations. I have a problem with character columns.

I'm not a MySQL expert, but from what I've read, in MySQL you can support Unicode in your tables in at least two ways:

  • The default for the entire table is: CREATE TABLE mytable (...) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

  • Making each specific column support Unicode: CREATE TABLE myTable (col1 VARCHAR(10) CHARSET utf8, OtherColNotUnicode VARCHAR(5), ...);

    (note that MySQL does not have NVARCHAR)

As it turns out, EFCF Migrations creates tables and columns with no Unicode support by default, and I couldn't find a way to override or annotate properties in my model, basically forcing either option 1 or 2.

? , , , , , , .

, EF 5.0, MySql.Data MySql.Data.Entity v


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