Routes and controllers for a sorted table in Ember

The app I am developing includes a user model and users have ratings. I am trying to create a "leaderboard" page that will rate users according to their ratings. I expect thousands of users to use the app, so I would like the rating to be viewable in three ways:

  • A Top 100 , which lists the top 100 users.
  • A You , which lists 10 people above you, then you, and then 10 people below you.
  • A Friends , which shows you and your friends.

I'm not sure what the "best" way to do this is in Ember. My attempt so far seems like I'm repeating a lot of code and / or putting things in the wrong place. Here's my code:

Routes {
  this.resource('leaderboard', function() {
    this.route('you', { path: '/' });

App.LeaderboardYouRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    var users =;
    // TODO: sort users by descending score
    // TODO: filter out users with an index too far from the user's
    return users;

App.LeaderboardFriendsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    var users =;
    // TODO: sort users by descending score and filter out non-friends
    return users;

App.LeaderboardTopRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    var users =;
    // TODO: sort users by descending score and take the top 100
    return users;



<section id="leaderboard">
      <li>{{#linkTo ""}}You{{/linkTo}}</li>
      <li>{{#linkTo "leaderboard.friends"}}Friends{{/linkTo}}</li>
      <li>{{#linkTo ""}}Top 100{{/linkTo}}</li>
  {{ outlet }}


leaderboard_top.handlebars, leaderboard_you.handlebars, leaderboard_friends.handlebars:

{{#each user in model}}
  <li data-user-id="">
    <span class="score">{{ user.score }}</span>
    <div class="photo"></div>
    <span class="name">{{ }}</span>
    <div class="clearboth"></div>


It seems like overkill to me to have three different templates with the same code. Likewise, I'll have to write a lot of the same code that basically says "Sort users descending". Is there a better way to do this?


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1 answer

You can easily use the same template for different controllers / views. Which template is used can be determined in the view. Example:

ExampleView = Ember.View.extend({
  templateName : "theSameTemplateAgainAndAgain"


hth, ph


As the first two comments of this answer show, the solution can be improved if the views are not used at all. Define a template to be displayed directly on the route as shown below.

App.ExampleRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  renderTemplate: function() {




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