Width and height passed in surfaceChanged () not supported by setParameters ()?

I'm getting a RuntimeException error when I call Camera.setParameters () from the surfaceChanged () method. I have seen other posts on the same problem, but have not found a specific solution: Problem setting options for the camera

My questions:

  • Why should you call surfaceChanged () immediately after surfaceCreated ()? It's intriguing intriguing (at least to me) to trigger a preview in surfaceCreated (), only to stop it and restart another one in surfaceChanged ().

  • The first time surfaceChanged () is called, what determines the width and height that are passed? As suggested in the above article and verified in my experiment, the values ​​are not necessarily supported by Camera.setParameters (). Below is the code snippet and log information.

  • Before surfaceChanged () is called, is there a way to ensure that the width and height values ​​are maintained by Camera.setParameters ()? You can add code to the surfaceChanged () function to verify this. For example, w and h can be compared to all supported preview sizes and changed to the closest supported values. However, this will hinder performance.

Below is the list of code snippets and the LogCat output. The registration information indicates that Camera.setParameters () in surfaceChanged () is throwing an error. If I comment out the line where setParameters () is called, I no longer see the error message.

[ Edit : I am testing an Amazon Kindle Fire HD. Android version 4.0.3, API 15]

Snippet of code:

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    // Log & debug
    Log.d(TAG, "surfaceCreated() is called");

    // The Surface has been created, now tell the camera where to draw the preview.
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceCreated(): " + e.getMessage());

    if (mHolder.getSurface() == null) {
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceCreated(): preview surface does not exist yet!");

public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    // Log & debug
    Log.d(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed() is called");

    // Stop preview and release camera 
    if (holder.getSurface() != null) {
        //mCamera.release();  //should we release camera here?
        //mCamera = null;
    else {
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed(): preview surface does not exist");

public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {
    // Log and debug
    Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged() is called with width = " + w);
    Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged() is called with height = " + h);

    // If your preview can change or rotate, take care of those events here.
    // Make sure to stop the preview before resizing or reformatting it.
    if (holder.getSurface() == null) {
      Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged(): preview surface does not exist");

    // stop preview before making changes
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged(): tried to stop a non-existent preview " + e.getMessage());

    // set preview size and make any resize, rotate or
    // reformatting changes here
    Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
    List<Size> mSizes = params.getSupportedPreviewSizes();

    // list all 25 supported preview sizes
    // i==25 will cause an "IndexOutofBoundsException"
    for (int i=0; i<25; i++) {
        Size mSize  = mSizes.get(i);
        if (mSize == null) break;
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged() i = " + i);
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged() preview width = " + mSize.width);
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged() preview height = " + mSize.height);
    Size       mSize  = mSizes.get(0);
    if(mSize != null) { //make sure we don't pull a NullException.
        if (w > mSize.width) w  = mSize.width;
        if (h > mSize.height) h = mSize.height;
        params.setPreviewSize(w, h); //set the size, since we know it. 
    mCamera.setParameters(params); //set the parameters now. 

    // start preview with new settings
    try {
    } catch (Exception e){
        Log.d(TAG, "surfaceChanged() restart preview " + e.getMessage());


LogCat output:

02-13 10:46:08.113: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceCreated() is called
02-13 10:46:08.496: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() is called with width = 1072
02-13 10:46:08.496: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() is called with height = 705
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 0
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 1280
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 1
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 960
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 2
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 800
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 480
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 3
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 576
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 4
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 480
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 5
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 768
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 576
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 6
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 640
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 480
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 7
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 320
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 240
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 8
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 352
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 288
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 9
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 240
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 160
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 10
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 176
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 144
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 11
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 160
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 120
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 12
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 128
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 96
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 13
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 1280
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 14
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 480
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 800
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 15
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 576
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 16
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 576
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 768
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 17
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 480
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 720
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 18
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 480
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 640
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 19
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 288
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 352
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 20
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 240
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 320
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 21
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 240
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 160
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 22
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 144
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 176
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 23
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 120
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 160
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() i = 24
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview width = 96
02-13 10:46:08.941: D/CameraPreview(2886): surfaceChanged() preview height = 128
02-13 10:46:08.957: D/AndroidRuntime(2886): Shutting down VM
02-13 10:46:08.957: W/dalvikvm(2886): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a6c1f8)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886): java.lang.RuntimeException: setParameters failed
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.hardware.Camera.native_setParameters(Native Method)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.hardware.Camera.setParameters(Camera.java:1295)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at com.xyz.camera.CameraPreview.surfaceChanged(CameraPreview.java:109)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(SurfaceView.java:544)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.view.SurfaceView.access$000(SurfaceView.java:81)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw(SurfaceView.java:169)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw(ViewTreeObserver.java:590)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:1630)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleMessage(ViewRootImpl.java:2462)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4486)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:784)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:551)
02-13 10:46:08.965: E/AndroidRuntime(2886):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)



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1 answer

Ok, one of the problems you may run into is that since you are using api 15 then you have to use getSupportedVideoSizes () since this is from api 11. I had a similar problem setting options on certain devices ( those running honeycomb and above) because the preview size and supported video size are not always the same.

EDIT :: in relation to your comment: I would output all supported previewsizes for your test device. which you already have. Then I would take one (for example: the second you got) and statically set it for testing purposes


for int (i = 0; i < mSizes.size(); i ++)
        Log each size;


take an arbitrary size from it: for example 480 x 800 and set it

    params.setPreviewSize(480, 800);


This will tell you exactly if setting the preview size will show the correct dimensions.

EDIT2: I'll update my answer again to clarify my comment.

inside onSurfaceChanged have two variables

int width = 0;
int height = 0;


then in your if statement

if (w > mSize.width) width = mSize.width;
if (h > mSize.height) height = mSize.height;


And what you do is the equivalent

mSizes.get (mSize.size () -1). since you w and h will always be greater than mSize.width and mSize.height

EDIT 3: OK based on your comments. you want to initialize the camera inside onSufaceCreated () and change setPreviewSize (w, h) to setPreviewSize (mSizes.get (mSizes.size () -1) .width, mSizes.get (mSizes.size () -1) .height);

then add a function that sets the surfaceView to any size ()

surfaceParams = surfaceView.getLayoutParameters();


this will set your idea of ​​what size you want.



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