Determine if LINQ Enumerable contains an object based on a condition?

I have IEnumerable<Project>

I want to know if there is any item in this list Project.ID == someID


Is there a way to do this?


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4 answers

Yes, you want to use the method Any

( documentation ).

IEnumerable<Project> projects = SomeMethodReturningProjects();
if(projects.Any(p => p.ID == someID))
    //Do something...




You can use Any () extension method .

var hasAny = projectList.Any(proj => proj.ID == someID);


Or, if you want to get this entry, you can use FirstOrDefault () :

var matchedProject = projectList.FirstOrDefault(proj => proj.ID == someID);


This will return null

if it doesn't find anything that matches, but pulls out the entire object if it finds one.




projects.Any(p => p.ID == someID)  


returns true (boolean) if the predicate matches any element.



Yes, use the extension method Any


list.Any(p => p.ID == someID);




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