WebView.Navigate results in unhandled exception

Using the WebView control in the Windows 8 SDK Samples results in an unhandled "Unspecified" error. In my own project, this gives me an unhandled exception: "Cannot get property '1' from undefined or null reference".

I cannot catch him.

It doesn't happen if I use it on the surface or on another machine, so I think this is probably my machine.

I need to know what I can do to fix this problem on my machine.

Any help was appreciated.


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1 answer

When you debug a XAML application using a WebView that has a JavaScript exception, the exception is added through the WebView in Visual Studio, where you can (presumably) debug it. When you run this (CTRL + F5) without debugging, these types of errors are swallowed. So your experience is not your machine, but that the debugger is connected.

You can find a similar question and its answer here: fooobar.com/questions/305773 / ... But be careful that the answer to this question suggests turning off the debugging mechanism. Make sure that this is what you really want to do.



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