Selenium Web driver wait a long time

Can I wait for the Selenium web driver for a long period of time?

Even though I can set the implicitlywait command like below, I am not waiting for the time I gave.

 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);


Is there something wrong here?

In my case, I need to execute one test case and wait 4 minutes and then execute the next test case. I am using Java here.


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2 answers

This is not really my answer. Two days ago I saw this answer here, but I didn't have time to apply it. Today I tried and what I wanted.

Unfortunately now I don't see this answer here. So I added this answer and all credits should be sent to the user who posted this answer here.

In this case, I would like to wait for the driver for 5 minutes so that the periodic cron job is executed.


to pause the program.



Considering that you need to wait for a specific element, I would do something in the ExplicitWait lines like below.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 300); // The int here is the maximum time in seconds the element can wait.


In this case, you can use whatever ExpectedConditions you want. It also doesn't need to use long latency in some special cases. This is imho good practice.



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