PHP PDO bindParam not working on array content

I have a mechanism that allows the user to control the order in which products appear in a product group. There is a table <<20> ( MySQL ) with columns for group_id

, product_id

and manual_order

. The first two assign products to groups, the third determines the order.

Values manual_order

start at 10 and increase in steps of 10 . So, for example, moving a product to list 3 is just a case of changing the value manual_order

to 25 and then recalculating the values manual_order

. This is done by getting a list of product IDs, sorted by manual_order

, and renumbering them in increments.

This piece of code works:

$products = array();
$dbh = s3_pdo::get_connection();
$query = $dbh->prepare('SELECT product_id FROM grouplines WHERE group_id=:group_id ORDER BY manual_order');
$query->bindValue(':group_id', $group_id);
$rows = $query->fetchAll();
if ($rows) {
    $query = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE grouplines SET manual_order=:manual_order WHERE group_id=:group_id AND product_id=:product_id');
    $query->bindValue(':group_id', $group_id);
    //$query->bindParam(':product_id', $row['product_id']);
    $query->bindParam(':product_id', $product_id);
    $query->bindParam(':manual_order', $i);
    $i = 10;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $product_id = $row['product_id'];
        $i += 10;


It does not mean:

$products = array();
$dbh = s3_pdo::get_connection();
$query = $dbh->prepare('SELECT product_id FROM grouplines WHERE group_id=:group_id ORDER BY manual_order');
$query->bindValue(':group_id', $group_id);
$rows = $query->fetchAll();
if ($rows) {
    $query = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE grouplines SET manual_order=:manual_order WHERE group_id=:group_id AND product_id=:product_id');
    $query->bindValue(':group_id', $group_id);
    $query->bindParam(':product_id', $row['product_id']);
    //$query->bindParam(':product_id', $product_id);
    $query->bindParam(':manual_order', $i);
    $i = 10;
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        //$product_id = $row['product_id'];
        $i += 10;


As you can see, the difference is that the second piece of code binds the $product_id

assigned value (from $row['product_id'])

to the foreach loop, whereas the first piece of code tries to bind $row['product_id']

outside of the loop ... which, as far as I know, should work, but doesn't.

I can only guess why the second part of the code is not working, because I cannot find a definite answer. I would like to get a definite answer because I am new to use PDO

and do not want to crash with this kind of thing as I am converting the rest of my system to use PDO

instead of the old mysql_ function.


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2 answers

See what your code is doing:

$query->bindParam(':product_id', $row['product_id']);


Here you are implicitly creating an array $row

with one element and passing that element as a reference to bindParam (). This results in the following structure:

$row : Array(
           'product_id' => &null


Please note that $row

this is not a link in itself! Once you reach the loop:

foreach ($rows as $row)


The array $row

gets overwritten . At this point, you loose the reference in your old $ row-Array, the array no longer exists. A reference cannot automatically jump to another array, just because it has the same key and is usually assigned to the same variable.

In short: what you are trying to do is impossible.



  • You mean the index of the array is undefined $row['product_id']

  • $query->bindParam(':product_id', $row['product_id']);

    does not work.
  • use try catch catch for



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