Completing the JavaScript callback override "this"

I know about call

and apply

in JavaScript, but I am currently following the following scenario.

I am using Benchmarkjs and it has an API defined like this:

.on(eventType, listener)


So, I would do for example:

/* Register the onStart callback */
suite.on('start', onStart);


My function onStart

is called so that this === suite


How can I do this to identify one of arguments

the onStart


My code looks something like this:

foo = function() {
   this.suite.on('start', this.onStart);


I want my function to onStart

have a link to foo


Any suggestions?


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2 answers

You can call Function.prototype.bind

to create partial applications / currency functions.


takes a context as the first parameter, and all subsequent ones passed in parameters will be used as formal parameters to call the associated function.

suite.on( 'start', this.onStart.bind( this, foo ) );


The link to foo

will now be available for onStart()

as the very first argument.



You can pass this

in onStart

by wrapping it in a function.

foo = function() {
    this.suite.on('start', function(arguments){onStart(arguments, this)});


I prefer to pass it over instead of using bind

it as bind

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