How do I get the right eigenvectors of a matrix in R?

Edition: The problem in my question was that I tried to find the matrix S

from equation 8 but this equation has a bug.

How to directly get the direct eigenvectors of a matrix in R? 'eigen ()' gives only left eigenvectors

Indeed the latest edition , I made a big mess here, but this question is very important to me:


provides some matrix of eigenvectors, from the help function:

"If 'r <are proper (A) and' V <- r $ vectors, lam <- r $ values, then

                      A = V Lmbd V^(-1)                         


(down to numerical fluff), where Lmbd =diag(lam)


that is A V = V Lmbd

, where V is a matrix , now we check it:


> A%*%V
                      [,1]                  [,2]          [,3]           [,4]
[1,]  0.0479968+0.5065111i  0.0479968-0.5065111i  0.2000725+0i  0.30290103+0i
[2,] -0.2150354+1.1746298i -0.2150354-1.1746298i -0.4751152+0i -0.76691563+0i
[3,] -0.2536875-0.2877404i -0.2536875+0.2877404i  1.3564475+0i  0.27756026+0i
[4,]  0.9537141-0.0371259i  0.9537141+0.0371259i  0.3245555+0i -0.03050335+0i
> V%*%Lmbd
                      [,1]                  [,2]          [,3]           [,4]
[1,]  0.0479968+0.5065111i  0.0479968-0.5065111i  0.2000725+0i  0.30290103+0i
[2,] -0.2150354+1.1746298i -0.2150354-1.1746298i -0.4751152+0i -0.76691563+0i
[3,] -0.2536875-0.2877404i -0.2536875+0.2877404i  1.3564475+0i  0.27756026+0i
[4,]  0.9537141-0.0371259i  0.9537141+0.0371259i  0.3245555+0i -0.03050335+0i


and I would like to find the right eigenvector matrix R

, the
equation defining the left eigenvector matrix L


L A  = LambdaM L


defining the matrix of right eigenvectors R


A R = LambdaM R


and eigen () only provides a matrix V


A V = V Lmbd


I would like to get a matrix R

, and LambdaM

for a real matrix A

, which can be negative definite.


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2 answers

Produced example.

Default (= correct eigenvectors):

m <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3)
e <- eigen(m)
e1 <- e$vectors
zapsmall((m %*% e1)/e1) ## right e'vec
##          [,1]      [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 16.11684 -1.116844    0
## [2,] 16.11684 -1.116844    0
## [3,] 16.11684 -1.116844    0


Left eigenvectors:

eL <- eigen(t(m))    
eL1 <- eL$vectors


(We need to put in a little more effort since we need to multiply by the row vectors on the left; if we only extracted one eigenvector, the ignorance of the vector differences between rows and columns is "do the right thing" (ie, it (eL1[,1] %*% m)/eL1[,1]

just works).)

zapsmall(t(eL1) %*% m/(t(eL1)))
##          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
## [1,] 16.116844 16.116844 16.116844
## [2,] -1.116844 -1.116844 -1.116844
## [3,]  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000




This should work

Given matrix A.

lefteigen  <-  function(A){


Each left eigenvector is the transposition of the right eigenvector of the matrix transposition



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