Getting JSON data from url in javascript?

I am trying to extract data from the form url . I tried to achieve this using the $ .ajax method as follows.

    var json = (function () {
        var json = null;
            'async': false,
            'global': false,
            'url': "",
            'dataType': "json",
            'success': function (data) {
                json = data;
        return json;


However, I can't seem to get this to work. I need to go through the received data and check some specific conditions. This could easily have been achieved with $ .getJSon if the json data had a name for it, however the file looks like:

        "name": "abc",
        "ID": 46 


due to which I have to efficiently convert and store it in a Javascript object variable before I can use it. Any suggestions on where I might go wrong?


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2 answers

It sounds like you want to convert this response data

to a json object by wrapping it {


and then passing it to a json parser.

function (data) {
  json = JSON.parse("{\"arr\":"+data+"}").arr;


Then, to get your data, it would be

json[0].name  //"abc"




So your question is how to convert a string to a Json object? If you are using Jquery you can do:

jQuery.parseJSON( jsonString );


So your return should be:

return jQuery.parseJSON( json );


You can read the documentation here



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