Git, devscripts, debhelper on Travis CI

I am writing a tool that I want to test on Travis CI.

Is it safe to assume that the packages

  • devscripts
  • debhelper
  • git -core

are present in the CI environment on which my tests will run?

I just need dch and git to be honest.

I just looked at the cookbooks and they don't seem to have what I need.

Is there a way to get what I need in a CI environment?

Can I install packages automatically via travis.yml somehow?



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1 answer

I decided to use before_install inside yaml. This allowed me to specify any commands I wanted to run, so I basically did:

language: perl
    - "5.16"
    - "5.14"
    - "5.12"
    - "5.10"

   - sudo apt-get update  -qq
   - sudo apt-get install -qq libjson-xs-perl devscripts git-core debhelper
   - git config --global ""
   - git config --global "Mr Test"




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