Installing Meteorite on mac os x 10.8.2

I am trying to install a meteorite

MacBook-Air-Voldemar:packages voldemar$ sudo npm install -g meteorite


and I get the error

sudo: npm: command not found


How to solve this problem?


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2 answers

Node already has a node js package for OS X.

Go to and click Install to download the nodejs package, when you install npm with it.



The message says you haven't installed the node package manager npm


Make sure you specify the path to node before installing npm. This is most likely in /usr/local/lib/node


Then do,

git clone
cd npm
sudo make install


Now add the path to node by adding the following to .bashrc

export NODE_PATH = "/path/to/node"


You will also need an executable npm

, so add the path to npm bin,

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH"


Then save and exit .bashrc

and do

source ~/.bashrc


It evaluates changes and changes reflect in the shell. You can now proceedsudo npm install -g meteorite



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