Failed to add image with url parameters in Facebook feed dialog (direct url)

I was wondering how I can add parameters to my URl image in this example:ยถmeter2=2&name=...&caption=...&description=...&redirect_uri = ...

I tried with encoding% 26 and no image is displayed. The weird thing is that when I try to use% 26 on the redirect_uri parameter, it works fine. Any advice on this?


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1 answer

You need to code all parts correctly (Java Script example below):

var _FBAPPID = "xxxxxxxxxx", // your app ID (mandatory)
    _name = "name",
    _text = "text",
    _link = "link",
    _picture = "", // some google image - replace it
    _caption = "caption",
    _redirect_uri = "" // this URL must be from within the domain you specified in your app settings

var _params = "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(_name)
    + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(_text)
    + "&link=" + encodeURIComponent(_link)
    + "&picture=" + encodeURIComponent(_picture)
    + "&caption=" + encodeURIComponent(_caption)
    + "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(_redirect_uri);

var _href = "" + _FBAPPID + _params + "&display=touch";


I also added display=touch

because I am using a direct url for mobile only.

Source here .



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