Haskell: recursively convert hex string to integer?

For my homework, I need to convert a hex string to a base-10 integer using a recursive function (with as many helper methods as needed).

This is what I have so far:

-- Question 1, part (c):
hexChar :: Char -> Integer
hexChar ch
    | ch == '0' = 0
    | ch == '1' = 1
    | ch == '2' = 2
    | ch == '3' = 3
    | ch == '4' = 4
    | ch == '5' = 5
    | ch == '6' = 6
    | ch == '7' = 7
    | ch == '8' = 8
    | ch == '9' = 9
    | ch == 'A' = 10
    | ch == 'B' = 11
    | ch == 'C' = 12
    | ch == 'D' = 13
    | ch == 'E' = 14
    | ch == 'F' = 15
    | otherwise     = 0

parseHex :: String -> Integer
parseHex hxStr 
    | length hxStr /= 0 = (hexChar(last(hxStr)))+(10*parseHex(init(hxStr)))
    | otherwise         = 0  


However, this does not give the correct results. Does anyone know how to do this correctly?


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3 answers

You are really close. your error is on this line:

    | length hxStr /= 0 = (hexChar(last(hxStr)))+(10*parseHex(init(hxStr)))


Think about why you are multiplying by 10. Remember ... Hexadecimal base is 16.



Now that you've got the right answer, you must consider the style. Using pattern matching this looks clearer:

parseHex :: String -> Integer
parseHex [] = 0
parseHex hxStr = (hexChar(last(hxStr)))+(16*parseHex(init(hxStr)))


And it's also more efficient, since you don't have to check length hxStr

(which is O (N)) with every recursive call to decide which case. Total execution time from O (N ** 2) to O (N).

It looks even better when you strip away some of the parentheses as groovy suggested:

parseHex :: String -> Integer
parseHex [] = 0
parseHex hxStr = hexChar (last hxStr) + 16 * parseHex (init hxStr))


It's unfortunate that you can't match up hStr

directly, because you need init

both last

instead of head

and tail

. But you can reduce this by using a reverse

helper as well:

parseHex :: String -> Integer
parseHex hxStr = go (reverse hxStr)
    where go []     = 0
          go (x:xs) = hexChar x + 16 * parseHex xs


However, the latter may only be a matter of taste. hexChar

also gets shorter:

hexChar '0' = 0
hexChar '1' = 1
...                  -- other cases here
hexChar _ = 0        -- 'otherwise' case; maybe throw an error instead?




After the problem is resolved, here's a shorter way to write this:

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

hexChar ch = fromMaybe (error $ "illegal char " ++ [ch]) $ 
    elemIndex ch "0123456789ABCDEF"

parseHex hex = foldl' f 0 hex where
    f n c = 16*n + hexChar c




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