2D animation game animations

I am new to android and specifically with canvas. I want to develop a small 2D game. In this game I want to show something like an object on the ground and the background is constantly changing. But I am not finding the right way to start my assignment. I need a sample example example. Please guide me. How can I change my background?


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4 answers

As a JavaScript enthusiast, I am following this - This might help you

Links you can start with -

Basic actions

Ball under the radial canvas

The mouse moves under the canvas

Canvas allows you to create javascript-based games as there is no better way for a beginner than using canvas for animation. Just create a canvas -



And start exploring.



You can use AndEngine, which is an open source 2D engine. This is the official site


and for tutorials this is a good source: - http://jimmaru.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/andengine-simple-android-game-tutorial/





If you mean you don't know how to start coding a game like this, it will help you a lot.

Simple play loop

That being said, it gives you the skeleton code for a basic Android game loop using SurfaceView and explains what's going on pretty well.

Hope this helps - good luck!



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