Git is missing when cloning over SSH

I'll take care of the company's Git repos. We are using Gitosis to manage our Git repositories. I have cloned one repository across git clone git@gitserver:repo

and some commits were not found at all. git show <commit>

returns fatal: bad object f723e2ea9af0e380158d90c36e21a60991760d31


Objects below, there is only one package file:

$ tree .git/objects/
|-- info
|   `-- packs
`-- pack
    |-- pack-4d930eca23ad902fc4a4809d01b86c4217b0b262.idx
    `-- pack-4d930eca23ad902fc4a4809d01b86c4217b0b262.pack

2 directories, 3 files


I cannot find the commit in the package file:

$ git verify-pack -v .git/objects/pack/pack-4d930eca23ad902fc4a4809d01b86c4217b0b262.idx | grep f723e2e


When I clone a repository on a Git server using the local filesystem, the commits are there and can be checked out.

I can find the commit (first):

$ ls .git/objects/f7/
23e2ea9af0e380158d90c36e21a60991760d31  84f33d44863cbe6ca4ae03cddcc673048f04bb
3b1ef7031d634b4aa443925dd29cc779356caa  9807359a1c65f312a1d4642e5191416443e20b


How can my users get all the commits when cloned over SSH?


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1 answer

Since you can clone on the server try which will give you a single file. git bundle

Then copy this file to your local machine and clone it from this package.

You can check after this "bundle" clone if you can:

  • add the remote server back to the gitosis repository
  • push / pull from the above gitosis repository upwards.

(Note: if you find that a commit is on a corrupt repo, check if their size is 0 and try deleting it or restoring it from another clone )



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