BinarySearch, how to find value in array between two neighbors?

I have a sorted double array . The goal is to find the index in the array. Which contains value <= search value.

For example, an array contains numbers {0, 5, 12, 34, 100}

with a range of indices [0 .. 4].

Find value = 25. And I want to get index = 2 (occurrence range from 12 to 34)

I don't understand how the binary search would be done in this case.

   public class MyComparer : IComparer<double>
        public int Compare(double x, double y)
            //<-------- ???

    public double[] spline_x;

    MyComparer cmpc = new MyComparer();
    int i=Array.BinarySearch(spline_x, x, cmpc);



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2 answers

When binary search finds no element in the array, it returns a negative number that is the bit's complement to the index of the first element that is greater than the value. This is how you can use it to find a range:

double[] spline_x = { 0D, 5D, 12D, 34D, 100D };
int i = Array.BinarySearch(spline_x, 25);
if (i >= 0)
    // your number is in array
    int indexOfNearest = ~i;

    if (indexOfNearest == spline_x.Length)
        // number is greater that last item
    else if (indexOfNearest == 0)
        // number is less than first item
        // number is between (indexOfNearest - 1) and indexOfNearest




Not familiar with C #, but a naive binary search does the trick, finding the last number <= N, which is the boundary you described.

int find_last(int num, const vector<int>&v, size_t begin, size_t end) {
  if (begin >= end) {
    return -1;
  size_t mid = (begin + end) / 2;
  if (v[mid] > num) {
    // [mid, end) is bigger than num, the boundary is in [begin, mid)
    return find_last(num, v, begin, mid);
  // v[mid] is qualified as <= N, search [mid+1, end) for
  // approaching a better boundary if exists.
  size_t index = find_last(num, v, mid+1, end);
  return (index == -1 ? mid : index);




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