How to add source folder to grails app

I am using STS to develop a Grails application and I need to use a bunch of classes there generated by the wsimport utility. In order not to mix the source with the autogenerated source, I want to add a separate directory and put the generated classes there, for example:

 |-- .classpath  
 |-- .groovy  
 |-- .project  
 |-- .settings  
 |-- grails-app  
 |-- lib  
 |-- scripts  
 |-- src
 |   |-- groovy
 |   |-- java
 |   `-- wsimport     <- where I want to make additional source folder
 |-- target  
 |-- target-eclipse  
 |-- test  
 `-- web-app


I can add a new classpath entry to the .classpath file and STS will recognize the sources, but what should I do with Grails? Do I need to specify it in some config file or something?


source to share

1 answer

The answer is here:

To summarize, you can use the config like this:

extraSrcDirs = ["$basedir/src/extra1", "$basedir/src/extra2", ...]

eventCompileStart = {
   for (String path in extraSrcDirs) {
      projectCompiler.srcDirectories << path
   copyResources buildSettings.resourcesDir

eventCreateWarStart = { warName, stagingDir ->
   copyResources "$stagingDir/WEB-INF/classes"

private copyResources(destination) {
   ant.copy(todir: destination,
            failonerror: false,
            preservelastmodified: true) {
      for (String path in extraSrcDirs) {
         fileset(dir: path) {
            exclude(name: '*.groovy')
            exclude(name: '*.java')


This will let the grails compiler know about additional source folders, but I don't think STS knows enough about source folders. To do this, you need to continue updating the .classpath project.



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