How do I create a custom product with related products?

The following code creates a custom product, however, when I open the product in the backend, the following message appears:

Select custom attributes "Only attributes with scopes are available" Global, input type "Breakdown" and "Use to create custom product" Yes. One check box ("Color Group") is displayed and must be selected before proceeding.

When I click Continue, all product data is as expected EXCEPT for related products.

//Mage Product
$mpr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
    ->setAttributeSetId(4) // You can determine this another way if you need to.
    ->setShortDescription('short description')
        'use_config_manage_stock' => 1,
        'is_in_stock' => 1,
        'is_salable' => 1,

    $productData = array(
         '7039604' =>
            array('0' => array('attribute_id' => '85', 'label' => 'ROYAL','value_index' => '28563', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '')
                 ,'1' => array('attribute_id' => '192', 'label' => '14', 'value_index' => '28728', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '')
    $attributeData = array(
        '0' => array(
            'id' => NULL
            ,'label' => 'Color'
            ,'position' => NULL
            ,'values' => array(
                '0' => array('value_index' => 28563, 'label' => 'ROYAL', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '0', 'attribute_id' => '85')
            ,'attribute_id' => 85
            ,'attribute_code' => 'color'
            ,'frontend_label' => 'Color'
            ,'html_id' => 'config_super_product__attribute_0')
        ,'1' => array(
            'id' => NULL
            ,'label' => 'Rivers Size'
            ,'position' => NULL
            ,'values' => array(
                '0' => array('value_index' => 28728, 'label' => '14', 'is_percent' => 0, 'pricing_value' => '0', 'attribute_id' => '192')
            ,'attribute_id' => 192
            ,'attribute_code' => 'rivers_size'
            ,'frontend_label' => 'Rivers Size'
            ,'html_id' => 'config_super_product__attribute_1')



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2 answers

Add this code before $ mpr-> save ();

$SKU = "any-simple product sku enter here";
$productid = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')


And set a simple sku product in the $ SKU variable. and I check that when I select the global variable then after I see the associated product in the config file.

His work is wonderful !!!



If you are redirected to the page select attribute

, it means that the attribute data you set in this example was not saved correctly.
Try browsing catalog_product_super_attribute

after script run (new lines should be added).



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