Glassfish AppServer or JBoss AppServer which is better for a production environment?

I would like to know about the pros and cons of glassfish and jboss server (glassfish v3 vs jboss 7.0) when used in a production environment, I know more people use jboss as an application server, but glassfish has more features and stability over jboss do you agree with me?


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2 answers

Post a question in the GlassFish Forums and you will receive GlassFish as your answer. Post a question in the JBoss forums and you will receive JBoss as an answer. Ask here and you will most likely get both :-)

Stability. ... I can say that the amount of testing we invest in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition is significant - it is of the same high quality as the commercial version (Oracle GlassFish Server) when released, although the commercial version fixes patches more regularly. According to JBoss (and someone correct me if I'm wrong), JBoss doesn't do full quality testing on open source bits - full QA only applies to their commercial distributions (JBoss Enterprise Application Platform). I can't say with any empirical evidence that an open source application server is of better quality, but the approach to quality for open source distributions is very different between the two.

Features. IMHO, GlassFish has a more mature and feature rich administration console, command line tool (useful for automation), and RESTful administration APIs and monitoring APIs. The first two have been available in GlassFish since 2005, when the Sun appserver was opened as GlassFish, a RESTful API since 2008.

FYI, I'm a GlassFish Server product manager, so I'm highly biased :-)

Hope it helps, and please let us know what you finally decide and why.




The team in charge of JRebel did a little comparison / evaluation here .

My company switched a tertiary care hospital (12,000 employees) to launch several of its e-services from WebSphere to Glassfish. Massive savings in licensing costs and very high stability.

However, I think there is one area where Glassfish is really amazing and not many people highlight it. The JRebel comparison mentions this but doesn't give it much weight. Most people look at application servers in terms of development and performance ... and most application servers in this area are "good enough" right now (again, see the JRebel comparison).

But one feature takes a long time to develop and it is not something that can be done overnight, it does require an architectural decision very early on. And this is something that has definitely been built from the very beginning in the roots of Glassfish (Sun Application Server). I'm talking about the ability to manage the server exclusively and completely using the command line interface . This is a huge advantage. This allows us to create scripts to automate the entire process in a clustered server farm (we currently have almost 15). And I mean everything. We are using Jenkins (Hudson) to run these scripts and it is a really elegant integrated solution.

This is not because we are a smart company - far from it. Glassfish just makes things easier. The command line interface is worth tens of thousands of dollars in savings over time, more and more every day.



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