Angular.js Dynamic Form Input Types

I am trying to create an Angular.js app that creates dynamic inputs from a JSON object.

So first, I have a JSON object (called fields):

  {"field_id":209,"form_id":1,"name":"firstname","label":"First Name","type":"text"},
  {"field_id":210,"form_id":1,"name":"lastname","label":"Last Name","type":"text"},


The object key type

is the input type for the form. See below:

<p ng-repeat="field in fields">
  {{}} : <input type="{{field.type}}" value="{{[]}}" />


Now it works fine for the fields submit

, text

, password

, checkbox

and radio

. But if type file

, it sets the input type text


If I replace {{}}

with {{field.type}}

for text, I can confirm what it outputs file


If I statically change <input type="{{field.type}}"...

to <input type="file"...

, it displays the input file correctly.

Why doesn't it let me set the input type as a file dynamically?


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1 answer

Topic if property change type

if item <input>

is a hot topic.

Actually, since the behavior of AngularJS depends on whether jQuery was added (before or after angular.js).

You can read some discussion about changeable heretype

: change the type of an input field with jQuery

There is also a pull request for AngularUI to add a new directive with dynamic type change support:

If you find the suggested solution not good enough (though, since the type hasn't changed after the form is rendered), you can go with ng-switch

way - just show the input file to the user.



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