Kill JVM not forcibly from command line in Windows 7

The JVM runs the Cobertura toolbox. When I press Ctrl-C in the Windows console where the application is launched, the JVM ends and Cobertura results are successfully removed to the cobertura.ser file . But I need to stop this JVM with a command / tool (not Ctrl-C), something like "soft kill" in Linux ("kill" command without the "-9" parameter). When I use "taskkill / PID 1234" it writes:

D:\>taskkill /PID 1234
ERROR: The process with PID 1234 could not be terminated.
Reason: This process can only be terminated forcefully (with /F option).


But when I use the / F option, the JVM is forced to quit and so the Cobertura results are not dumped into the cobertura.ser file .

How to kill JVM using windows command line tool / third party tool with successful reset of Cobertura (windows "soft kill")?


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1 answer

Try looking at WMI using JavaScript or VBScript, you create rules for process selection and kill it.

For example - run a simple kill script with VBScript



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