Spring pointcut pointcut pointcut

I tried to create pointcut point Aspectj for method annotation but I didn't work with different approaches all the time. I am using aspectj autoproxy (I have no other weave configured in my spring context). My classes look like this:

public interface Intf
  void method1() throws SomeExc;

public class Impl implements Intf
  public void method1() throws SomeExc

public class MyAspect
    pointcut = "execution(* *(..)) && @annotation(SomeAnnotation)",
    throwing = "error")
  public void afterThrowing(JoinPoint jp, Throwable error)

public class Usage
  Intf intf;

  public void doStuff()


So I'm wondering why aspectj won't create the pointcut. I managed to get it to work using execution(* *(..) throws SomeExc)

which does the job for me, but I still want to know what I did wrong.

Also, since it method1

is defined in the interface, and I am annotating the implementation class, is there a way to make it work that way? Do other proxying mechanisms like transaction management / security work this way in other parts of spring correctly? And if I use the proxy interface, will the pointcut be specified when implementing the class that creates the pointcut? (I guess not since I don't use cglib)


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2 answers

try adding @Component to MyAspect class

public class MyAspect {




just mark your aspect method with



Check out this one for a step by step guide



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