Displaying Structure Information in Coldfusion

I want to show the value of a structural key, for example:



It is possible that tags

, travelParty

or is value

missing. What's the best way to check if the structure hierarchy is available? Something like:

<cfif StructKeyExists(stReviewDetail, 'tags') AND 
      StructKeyExists(stReviewDetail['tags'], 'travelParty') AND 
      StructKeyExists(stReviewDetail['tags']['travelParty'], 'value') >


or is there a better way to do this?


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2 answers

Several StructKeyExists are ugly and it's easy to write a function to simplify this:


<cfif CheckNestedKeys(stReviewDetail,['tags','travelParty','value']) >



<cffunction name="CheckNestedKeys" returntype="Boolean" output=false>
    <cfargument name="Struct" type="Struct" required />
    <cfargument name="Keys"   type="Array"  required />

    <cfset var CurStruct = Arguments.Struct />

    <cfloop index="local.CurKey" array=#Arguments.Keys# >
        <cfif StructKeyExists(CurStruct,CurKey)>
            <cfset CurStruct = CurStruct[CurKey] />
            <cfreturn false />

    <cfreturn true />





If you know the specific keys, you can simply use isDefined


<cfif isDefined("stReviewDetail.tags.travelParty.value")>
    <cfdump var="#stReviewDetail.tags#">    




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