Why does angularJs update all array / hashmap elements if only one has changed?

I have a simple hashmap and a simple method that displays the status in text, but when I only update 1 user status, they all update (the function is called for all users). Is there a way to update just one item and not all of them?

Sample code is here, just see what happens in the console when you click the Change Status button.


<div ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="Ctrl">
    <div class="user-panel" ng-repeat = "(id, user) in _users">
        <span class="user-status{{user.status}}">
        <div class="toLeft">(<b>{{id}}</b>) {{user.name}}</div>
        <div class="toRight">
            <button ng-click="changeUserStatus(id, '1')">Change Status</button>
       <div class="clear"></div>



var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

function Ctrl($scope) {
    $scope._users = {"123":{"name":"test","status":"0"}, "124":{"name":"test2", "status":"0"},"125":{"name":"test2", "status":"0"}};

    $scope.getStatusInText = function(status) {
        console.log("CALLED: " + status);
        return (status === "1") ? "online" : "offline";

    $scope.changeUserStatus = function(uId, status) {
        $scope._users[uId].status = status;



And the fiddle for the example above:


another example with iteration, which is called each time using the getStatusInText function.



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1 answer

Updated example : http://jsfiddle.net/ztVnj/5/

The theory is here :

Move the expensive operation outside of the hashmap and manually configure the update. As mentioned, if the hash is changed at all, the entire ng-repeat is redrawn.


Binding to $ scope, add an array to map state values ​​to ids.

$scope._users = {"123":{"name":"test","status":"0"}, "124":{"name":"test2", "status":"0"},"125":{"name":"test2", "status":"0"}};
$scope._userStatus = [];


Modify your template to find this array:

Status: <span class="user-status{{user.status}}">{{_userStatus[id]}}</span>


Update the changeStatus function to be the only place where the status text is updated, then do the initial iteration at the beginning.

$scope.changeUserStatus = function(uId, status) {
    console.log("Button Clicked.");
    $scope._userStatus[uId] = $scope.getStatusInText(status);

angular.forEach($scope._users, function(user, uId) {
    $scope._userStatus[uId] = $scope.getStatusInText(user.status);




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