Expression tree library and relationships between enums

In C #, I can successfully compare enum values ​​using any relational operators as shown below:

var res  = SomeEnumType.First < SomeEnumType.Second


When trying to accomplish the same with an expression library:

var arg1 = Expression.Constant(SomeEnumType.First);
var arg2 = Expression.Constant(SomeEnumType.Second);
var res  = Expression.LessThan(arg1, arg2);


the following error is thrown (similarly for <=,> and> =):

The binary operator LessThan is not defined for the types "Prog.SomeEnumType" and "Prog.SomeEnumType".

What is the correct way to fix it?


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2 answers

You need to convert the enum value to the enum type given below:

var arg1 = Expression.Constant(SomeEnumType.First);
var arg2 = Expression.Constant(SomeEnumType.Second);
var enumType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof (SomeEnumType));
var res = Expression.LessThan(Expression.Convert(arg1, enumType), Expression.Convert(arg2, enumType));




Actually you can just convert it to int (or whatever type your enumerator is based on) to achieve the desired result.



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