How to connect to a Bitcoin testnet running in a docker container

I am testing some bitcoin related code and for testing it installed bitcoin-testnet-box in docker container.

It works fine and in the container I can execute commands and see the results.

Dockerfile showing port 19001 which I am mapping to port 49155

as RPC port for one of the instances bitcond

and I am trying to communicate using node-bitcoin .

I wrote a simple test that aims to simply get the current difficulty.

var bitcoin = require('bitcoin'),
    client = new bitcoin.Client({
      host: "",
      port: 49155,
      user: "admin1",
      pass: "123"

describe("Core Wallet Functions", function() {

  it("can get the current bitcoin difficulty", function(done){
    client.getDifficulty(function(err, difficulty){
      console.log("got response", err, difficulty);


This is a bug (see update below) with the error:

{[Error: ECONNREFUSED connection] code: "ECONNREFUSED", errno: "ECONNREFUSED", syscall: 'connect'}

Quick view docker ps


CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                NAMES
8b04ed26d9e3        freewil/bitcoin-testnet-box:latest   /bin/bash           3 hours ago         Up 8 minutes>19001/tcp,>19011/tcp   bitcoind            


I tried changing host to "localhost" and "" but got the same result.

Clearly I am missing something simple, since node-bitcoin tests doesn't actually do anything.

The command used to run bitcoin-testnet-box


docker run -ti --name bitcoind -P -p 49155:19001 freewil/bitcoin-testnet-box


What could I be doing wrong?


I changed bitcoin.conf

as suggested below and now the error message is

[Error: Invalid params, response status code: 403]


Mine bitcoin.conf

looks like

# testnet-box functionality


# listen on different ports than default testnet

# always run a server, even with bitcoin-qt

# enable SSL for RPC server



another update

It is worth explaining what I run docker

on my Mac with boot2docker

, so the IP number I am referring to is the IP that is shown at startup docker ip

, not the IP of my Mac. I am running a test using NodeJS

on my Mac, not a VM boot or an actual Docker container. So, I tried to add rpcallowip=

(where is

my Mac IP) to my files bitcoind.conf

too just in case. Alas, it didn't make any difference, I still get the answer { [Error: Invalid params, response status code: 403] code: -32602 }


I also triple-checked my username and password against what's in the bitcoin.conf file.

As suggested by Chris McKinnel below I have executed netstat -tunlp

in a docker container and it shows:

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      65/bitcoind     
tcp6       0      0 :::19000                :::*                    LISTEN      65/bitcoind     
tcp6       0      0 :::19001                :::*                    LISTEN      65/bitcoind     
tcp6       0      0 :::19011                :::*                    LISTEN      75/bitcoind     


So I added rpcallowip=

to my bitcoin.conf

file. Alas, there is still no difference.

finally a solution

Thanks again to Chris McKinnell below who rpcallowip=*

solved the problem. Of course this poses a whole new problem, but I will burn this bridge when I get to it. So far, I can check my bitcoin processes quite happily.


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2 answers

I think you need to add rpcallowip=

to both of your files bitcoin.conf

for nodes. By default, bitcoind

will only listen for RPC connections to localhost (as per the docs ).

Once you have added your IP to the list of permissions, you can check if it works by running telnet 19001


To see a list of your PC's open ports (and where they accept connections from), run netstat -tunlp




I would just change


So it is at least in the class C class



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