How to enable execution limits on Linkedmdb
I tried to extract all movies from Linkedmdb. I used OFFSET to make sure that I didn't type the maximum number of results for each query. I used the following script in python
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX movie: <>
SELECT distinct ?film
?film a movie:film .
} LIMIT 1000 OFFSET %s """ %i
I looped 5 times with offsets being 0.1000,2000,3000,4000 and recording the number of results. It was (1000.1 thousand 500.0.0). I already knew the limit was 2500, but I thought using OFFSET we can handle it. It is not true? Can't get all data (even if we are using some kind of loop)?
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Your current request is legitimate, but there is no specific order, so the offset will not take you to a predictable place in the results. (A lazy implementation can return the same results over and over again.) When you use limit and offset , you also need to use order by . The SPARQL 1.1 spec says (emphasis mine):
OFFSET forces generated solutions to run after the specified number of solutions. OFFSET zero has no effect.
Using LIMIT and OFFSET to select different subsets of a decision query will not be useful unless the ordering becomes predictable using ORDER BY.
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